Stag during the grazing season on the Aubrac.Stag during autumn grazing on the Aubrac.
©Stag during autumn grazing on the Aubrac.|Jeff GUITTARD

The animals of Aubrac

Unexpected encounters

Discover the animals of the Aubrac plateau: between the pastures of the thousand and one Aubrac cows and the mysterious forests where the bellowing of the stag resounds onautumn evenings, Aubrac is also home to bison and wolves in reserves where you can easily admire them…

Discover the Animals of Aubrac

Many species have found refuge in the thick, dark forests of the Aubrac plateau. Most are discreet by nature, but some make their presence felt loudly in autumn.


Deer on the Aubrac

The Aubrac plateau is famous for its deer population. At dusk on autumn nights, the forest becomes the scene of a very special ritual: the impressive bellowing of the stag echoes through the woods, haunting these spaces with their guttural cries.


Wolves on Aubrac

More reserved and less numerous than deer, wolves have also returned to populate the plateau. Once very present and feared during harsh winters, they were exterminated until the last one was shot on Aubrac in 1977.

The w olf is associated with many legends, most notably in Lozère with the legend of the Beast of Gévaudan.

You can meet them at the Parc des Loups du Gévaudan near Marvejols, in the land of the Bête du Gévaudan, just a few kilometers from the Aubrac plateau.


Aubrac cows

Alongside the wildlife during the summer months, the peaceful Aubrac cows are the symbol of the plateau. The herds, which spend the winter in their cowsheds, are brought to the heights of the plateau in spring, where they are herded onto immense pastures of fat grass and enjoy the fine weather, a move known as transhumance.

Raising this breed gives rhythm to the seasons on the Aubrac plateau, and has shaped the landscape we know today. Watching them graze peacefully in the vast fields is a delight for young and old alike.


Bisons on Aubrac

Bison are also present on Aubrac, but in a reserve! These corpulent animals of exceptional build only travel in herds, and love the cool of winter.

But be careful not to confuse the European bison with the American bison! The Sainte-Eulalie Bison Reserve is the place to find out.

Aubrac in detail...

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