natural ponds grotte dargilanDargilan cave water reserves.
©Dargilan cave water reserves.|Rémi FLAMENT

Caves and avens

from Aubrac to Gorges du Tanr

Discover the caves and avens of the Grands Causses!

There are no rivers running through the deserts of the Causse Sauveterre and Causse Méjean in Lozère, because the permeable limestone soil allows rainwater to seep through. This gives rise to numerous cavities, most of which are still unknown today… Nature sometimes has spectacular surprises in store for us, and in the bowels of the earth, water has secretly fashioned extraordinary shapes in caves and avens.

Some caves and sinkholes have been adapted to welcome the public: come and marvel at the masterpieces of nature such asAven Armand, Grotte de Dargilan andAbîme de Bramabiau! Located between the Causse Méjean, the Causse Noir and the Massif de l’Aigoual, these caves are all renowned for their natural beauty!


Aven Armand, on the Causse Méjean

Located in the heart of the Causse Méjean,Aven Armand owes its name to the man who discovered it: Louis Armand, a blacksmith and amateur speleologist living in Le Rozier, on September 19, 1897, in the company of his acolyte, the famous Édouard-Alfred Martel.

The Aven Armand is not a cave, but an“aven“: a sort of chasm whose access opens into the ground in the form of a shaft… One of the most beautiful caves in the region, it’s a magical place, where stalagmites and stalactites have been forming for thousands of years…

There are several ways to visit Aven Armand:

  • With the Jules Verne “Journey to the Center of the Earth” tour, take the funicular down for easy access to the cave. Lights, images and sounds weave together the imaginary and the real.
  • With the “Discovery Day” exploration tour, effortlessly descend the natural shaft with a caving pro.

Concerts are also held in the cave in season.


Grotte de Dargilan, on the Causse Noir

Also discovered by Édouard-Alfred Martel, Grotte de Dargilan is located near Meyrueis, on the Causse Noir.

Nicknamed the Grotte Rose, the Grotte de Dargilan is one of Lozère’s must-see natural sites. It captivates visitors with its impressive dimensions and variety of concretions in highly accentuated natural colors. An exceptional visit to a UNESCO World Heritage site!


The Abîme de Bramabiau

Discover theAbîme de Bramabiau, an underground river in the Massif de l’Aigoual on the Lozère-Gard border.

In the heart of the Cévennes, theRivière du Bonheur is born in the open air… On contact with the limestone soil, it rushes into the Causse de Camprieu to gush out 800 metres further on… This abyss can be explored over a one-kilometre guided tour. A veritable treasure trove of nature, theAbîme de Bramabiau is a must-see on your Lozère vacation.

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