Lac Des Salhiens, route des lacs, Aubrac plateau.Lac des Salhiens on the lake route, Aubrac.
©Lac des Salhiens on the lake route, Aubrac.|© B. Colomb Lozère Sauvage Pour Pact Aubrac

Lac des Salhiens

A stone's throw from the Cascade du Déroc

Discover one of the four glacial lakes on the Aubrac plateau: Lac des Salhiens. It is located in the commune of Nasbinals, near the Cascade du Déroc.

Getting there
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Lac des Salhiens

Discovering the Lac des Salhiens


Situated close to the Bès stream, the mysterious and shady Lac des Salhiens is the last lake you’ll encounter on your route.

Its outlet is a stream that cascades a few hundred metres further down a cliff, forming the CascadeduDéroc, the highest waterfall on the Aubrac plateau.


The marshy Salhiens lake


The Lac des Salhiensis surrounded by wet meadows of great ecological interest, and is home toa large number of animaland plant species.


Practical information on

the walk

Lac des Salhiens

The start of the Lac des Salhiens walk is 600m from the Cascade du Déroc parking lot.

There are blue markers and information panels on site.

If you take your time, you’ll get there in 1h30.

Bonus: you may be lucky enough to come across herds of Aubrac cows.

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