The dark waters of the Aubrac lakes reflect the whims of the sky and contrast with the dazzling colors of the surrounding wilderness. A paradise for fishermen and walkers, you’ll be able to observe many rare species of vegetation and the rich and varied fauna that populates these exceptional natural environments, not to mention the Aubrac cows that graze near their shores and sometimes come to quench their thirst. These lakes, located close to the D52 road, together form the Route des Lacs. The four lakes on the Route des Lacs are of glacial origin. They were formed when the ice cap covering the Aubrac melted.

Aubrac lakes
The jewels of Aubracdifferent types of lakes
Umbilical lake
Like Lac de Saint-Andéol and Lac de Souveyrols, where the ice is trapped in a hollow. They can be quite deep.
Moraine-type lake
As at Lac des Salhiens, the result of a moraine dam, where melting ice is trapped behind a relief.

Take the Lakes Route from Saint-Germain du Teil and discover the lakes of Saint-Andéol, Born, Salhiens and Souveyrols… as well as theEtang de Bonnecombe!
the lakes
on the Aubrac plateau#1
Etang de Bonnecombe
At the gateway to the Aubrac plateau, in the commune of Les Salces, discover theEtang de Bonnecombe. Perched at an altitude of 1350 metres, this fishing pond is the gateway to the famous Route des Lacs, marking the starting point for breathtaking scenery.

Lac de Saint-Andéol
Lac de Saint-Andéol is both the most mysterious and the largest lake on the Aubrac plateau. Located in the commune of Marchastel, it is regularly visited by hikers on their way to Santiago de Compostela. A sacred site since time immemorial, it was a place of pilgrimage in ancient times, and is dominated by a huge granite cross. It stands on the road leading from Buron de Cap Combattut to Buron de Born.
Lac de Born
Lac de Born, also on the Aubrac plateau (between the communes of Les Salces and Marchastel), is one of the plateau’s glacial lakes. It offers a panorama typical of the Aubrac landscape, and it’s not unusual to see Aubrac cows grazing near its shores. Farther from the road, it faces the Buron de Born…

Lac de Souveyrols
Perched at 1,250 meters, Lac de Souveyrols is the smallest of four glacial lakes in the Aubrac region. Although it looks like a normal lake, it actually has unstable ground. It is therefore strictly inadvisable to go near the edge of the lake. However, it is possible to observe the lake from a little further away.

Lac des Salhiens
Located right next to the Cascade du Déroc, the Lac des Salhiens is the last of the Route des Lacs. The outlet of this mysterious lake forms a stream that forms the Cascade du Déroc, the largest ofthe Aubrac waterfalls. A small path along the edge of the Cascade du Déroc parking lot leads to the waterfall.
Lac du Moulinet
Between Aubrac and Margeride, near the village of Le Buisson, discover Lac du Moulinet: the ideal place to spend time with family and friends. Access is free, and there are plenty of activities on offer. Unlike all the other lakes in the Aubrac region, Lac du Moul inet is a great place to swim!