Lac De Souveyrols seen from above.Lac De Souveyrols seen from above.
©Lac De Souveyrols seen from above.|© B. Colomb Lozère Sauvage Pour Pact Aubrac

Lake Souveyrols

Small lake lined with plants

Perched at 1250 metres, Lac de Souveyrols is the smallest of the Aubrac’ s four glacial lakes!

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The Lac de Souveyrols is surrounded by a carpet of sphagnum moss and various aquatic plants floating on the water.

The carpet of Lake Souveyrols

The site is also known for being one of the few places in France where you can find the Siberian ligularia, a peat bog plant that is extremely rare in France, a relic of the Ice Age and absolutely protected (flowering in August). There are currently several hundred such plants around the lake, which is quite remarkable!


What about


in Lac de Souveyrols

Swimming is prohibited in Lac de Souveyrols.

You risk sinking into the lake’s peat bogs.

What’s more, to protect certain species found in and around the lake, it’s best to stay away.

The only Aubrac lake open to bathers is Lac du Moulinet.

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