Burons Aubrac spring landscape.Burons on the Aubrac.
©Burons on the Aubrac.|© B. Colomb Lozère Sauvage Pour Pact Aubrac

Protected areas

In the heart of the Aubrac plateau

Discover the Aubrac plateau and its protected areas.

“Whoever has seen, under certain sunsets, the dome of the plateau merging with the clouds […] against the azure, the green pastures unfurling endlessly, and, in the winter light, the sparkling waves of snow, will think that there is no purer, more stripped-down country”.

Josette Villefranque, in Aubrac Impression

Aubrac, RegionalNaturePark

It’s hard not to marvel at the beauty of this windswept Aubrac plateau. The people who live here live alongside nature with respect and love, while visitors discover a preserved place, as if out of time
All year round, the Aubrac is admirable:

  • in spring, the plateau is alive with protected wildflowers (narcissus, daffodils…)…
  • In summer, even if the landscape is less green and the rivers lower, the plateau is still very sunny and pleasant…
  • In autumn, the Aubrac is decked out in warm colors and mushrooms appear: cèpes, girolles, coulemelles, mousserons, trompettes de la mort and even morels…
  • In winter, the Aubrac becomes bald and is sometimes covered by several centimetres of snow, making the landscape even more magical…

Aubrac, a listed area

To ensure that future generations benefit from the same opportunities as current generations, the Aubrac plateau has been classified as a “ Parc Naturel Régional ” since 2018.

Aubrac, a place of conservation

Numerous areas have also been classified for several years:

Natura 2000 areas.

What is Natura 2000? The Natura 2000 network is made up of a series of natural sites on land and at sea, and aims to ensure the long-term survival of particularly threatened species and habitats in Europe.

Is there

protected flowers

on the Aubrac?


In Aubrac, you’ll find a number of protected flowers, such as the Lapland willow, the Siberian ligwort and the Drosera.

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