Canoeing and paddling in the Gorges du TarnCanoeing and paddling in the Gorges du Tarn
©Canoeing and paddling in the Gorges du Tarn
A must-see experience

A day of canoeing and kayaking with friends

in the Gorges du Tarn

Discover the Gorges du Tarn from the river? It’s possible by canoe or paddle! If you love nature and relaxing with friends, canoeing down the river is a must-do experience… For his part, Corentin, on vacation in the Gorges with his friends, wanted to try out canoeing for a day, just for you!

Kayak - rafting in the Gorges du TarnKayak - rafting in the Gorges du Tarn
©Kayak - rafting in the Gorges du Tarn
Corentin, 25 years old

On vacation with friends at Les Vignes, he tells us about his experience...

A day of canoeing and kayaking

Aucoeur des Gorges du Tarn

A canoe trip down the sublime Gorges du Tarn : what better way to enjoy this exceptional spot? This Grand Site is an ideal playground for nature lovers and discovery enthusiasts like us! We opted for one of the classics, an 11-kilometer course linking the charming village of La Malène and the not-to-be-missed Pas de Soucy.


Departure from La Malène by canoe

We arrive in La Malène, a picturesque village in the heart of the Gorges du Tarn, in the morning. My friends and I head straight to the village bakery and grocery store to buy artisan bread sticks, sandwich fillings and a few cakes. Our picnic is ready, and all that’s left to do is get on board!

“Friends are fellow travelers, helping us on our way to a happier life”, Cherry Blossom.


First paddle strokes…

Arriving at the rendezvous point, my friends and I pick up our paddles and life jackets… Two by two, and off we go for an introduction to canoeing ! We left the village of La Malène behind and set off to discover the famous gorges. From the very first strokes of the paddle, we’re in a good mood, full of wonder and excitement.

“Happiness is a child’s dream realized in adulthood”, Sigmund Freud.


Swimming, relaxing & picnicking

First quick stop 800 m from La Malène to enjoy a sandy beach on the right bank of the river. An ideal place to relax and sunbathe with friends. The more adventurous among us took the opportunity to dive into the water from the cliffs… Beware, however, that swimming is not supervised and jumps are not without risk!

On the outskirts of the beach, a small shady spot caught our eye. Enough lolling about, it’s time to prepare the picnic! On the menu, delicious sandwiches made on the run with local produce. A real moment of pleasure and conviviality in the heart of the Gorges.

“You have to let the water calm down before taking a dip”, Charles Hamelin.


Canoeing down the Gorges du Tarn…

It’s time to continue our adventure towards the chaos of the Pas du Soucy!
After several kilometers of canoeing, we reach the narrowest and most beautiful part of the Gorges du Tarn, Les Détroits.


The heritage of the Gorges du Tarn…

A hundred or so meters after Les Détroits, we come across a few mysterious houses that seem to be cut off from the rest of the world. This is La Croze, an atypical yet typical hamlet in the Gorges du Tarn. A local couple explain that the river is the only way to reach the hamlet – incredible, but true!

Unfortunately, they add that it’s impossible to visit the site outside the European Heritage Days, as all the houses belong to a single family. Surprised and amazed by this little discovery, my friends and I continue on our way!

“Nature is an eternal down-to-earth dialogue”, Kheira Chakor.


Rocks of all shapes and sizes!

With every stroke of the paddle, the Gorges du Tarn reveal new surprises! On our right, at the top of a cliff, a mushroom-shaped rock beckons… We choose this spot to take a break and enjoy the river. We swim and play with friends in the emerald Tarn and its pebble beaches.

“To stay grounded, it’s better to follow the water than the wind”, Kheira Chakor.


Canoeing at the foot of Point Sublime

Enough swimming, we leave the pebble beach and head for the unmissable Cirque des Baumes, below the famous panorama of Point Sublime… The site takes its name from the baumes or caves carved out by wind and erosion, which we can see from our canoes. This protected area is definitely the ideal place for nature lovers!

“Happiness is lived, not written”, Sandrine Fillassier


The end of a memorable day’s canoeing…

The river calms down, a few more paddles and we’re off! Between the falls and the splashes, we’ve had a lot of fun! We stop on the left bank just before the Pas du Soucy, already nostalgic for this beautiful descent, before boarding the minibus for La Malène. The journey is accompanied by captivating explanations of the Gorges du Tarn by the bus driver. From the road, we can even spot other unusual rock shapes hidden in the cliffs, like the bride and groom or the face of Christ. Next time we come to the Gorges du Tarn, we’ll be doing the canoe trip again, via a different route, no doubt!

“Happiness can’t be offered, it’s within each one of us”, Taha-Hassine Ferhat.

Everything you need for this experience

Information for a worry-free trip
  • What to take with you on a canoe trip

    When canoeing down the river, there are several things you need to take with you:

    • A good sun cream (especially in summer, the sun hits hard in the Gorges du Tarn, reflecting off the water and onto you, so watch out for sunburn!)
    • Sunglasses and cap (but be careful not to lose them in the water)
    • Beach towel and swimsuit
    • Water and something to eat (ideally, you should take your picnic with you when you leave in the morning for a day trip, just slip it into your canoe and off you go!)
    • A camera to immortalize all the beautiful moments… And any potential waterfalls! (And be careful not to lose it or let it get wet!)
  • Where to start canoeing?

    Canoe departures are possible from most of the villages in the Gorges du Tarn. Numerous canoe and paddle routes are available.

  • When can I leave for my descent?

    In summer, it’s best to leave in the morning. You’ll have fewer people on the water, and you’ll be even quieter… for admiring the scenery.

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