The ruins of Château de Dolan stand on the Causse de Sauveterre overlooking the Gorges du Tarn.Château de Dolan - Gorges du Tarn
©Château de Dolan - Gorges du Tarn
DiscoverDolan CastleMysterious castle in the Gorges du Tarn

Dolan Castle

Discover Château de Dolan: located on the road leading from Saint-Rome-de-Dolan to Les Vignes, its ruins are set on a platform overlooking the Tarn between two ravines. Mentioned in the 11th century as a fiefdom of the Sévérac family in Rouergue, it was given in tribute to the Bishop of Mende no later than the 13th century.

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Château de Dolan was a seigneurial residence and also served as a control point for arrivals to the village of Les Vignes and the Causse de Sauveterre. The château is said to have experienced some dark times…

During the reign of Henri IV, the Baroness of Dolan, Mme de Castelnau, widow of Louis d’Arpajon, lord of Château de Sévérac, rarely came to Dolan. Secretly neo-Protestant, one evening she invited 14 priests from the surrounding area. After dinner, she led them onto the château’s terrace: ” Apostasier ou mourir ” ( apostasy or death ), she told some poor unfortunates, who chose death. Madame de Castelnau’s only son later had an expiatory chapel built on the site of the tragedy, of which only the foundations remain today. A small iron cross still bears witness to that fateful day.

The fire

Dolan Castle fell victim to fire. It seems that it was the local residents, exasperated by the yoke their masters were placing on them, who decided to burn it down one day while they were away…

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