Bridge and waterfall at Saint-Chely du Tarn in the Gorges du TarnSaint-Chély du Tarn in the Gorges du Tarn
©Bridge and waterfall at Saint-Chély du Tarn in the Gorges du Tarn
DiscoverSaint-Chély du Tarn

Saint-Chély du Tarn

Discover Saint-Chély-du-Tarn, the little wonder of the Gorges du Tarn! Located in the heart of the Gorges du Tarn, between Sainte-Enimie and La Malène, Saint-Chély du Tarn is a hamlet nestled at the foot of the Méjean cliffs, on the left bank of the Tarn.

Getting there

A village

A fairytale village

Access to Saint-Chély-du-Tarn is via a small tunnel, then a single-arch bridge over the Tarn. This brings you to a village with a fairytale feel: the village overlooks the emerald river, while two waterfalls rise up from between the houses and plunge into it near the beach, famous with bathers.

It’s not for nothing that the village is renowned as one of the most beautiful in the Gorges du Tarn.


and its heritage

Saint-Chély du Tarn is also known for its heritage: it boasts a Romanesque church and the Chapelle de Cénaret (semi-troglodytic), both built in the 12th century. In the village, theMoulin de Cénaret will also surprise you with the spring water that flows through it… The hamlet will also charm you with its typical heritage: the bread oven, the wash-houses, the restored and well-maintained houses…


Stage of the GR736 Gorges et Vallée du Tarn

At the heart of the GR736 Gorges et Vallée du Tarn, Saint-Chély-du-Tarn is one of the most beautiful stages of the Gorges du Tarn. Along the way, you can stop for a swim, admire the beauty of the village, visit the Moulin de Cénaret, the church and chapel of Cénaret…


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