causse méjean sheep flockHerd of sheep on the causse.
©Herd of sheep on the causse.|Lozere Sauvage

The ewes

des Grands Causses

Animal emblem of the Grands Causses

All about

the ewes of the Grands Causses

Ewes are the emblematic livestock of the Grands Causses region in Lozère. Accustomed to the limestone soil, poor in water and therefore in grassland, they have the physique needed to live in this very special environment.

For thousands of years, shepherds have kept flocks on the Causse de Sauveterre and Causse Méjean. Their traces are still scattered along the paths: jasses, cazelles, clapas… ThisUNESCO-listed heritage has forged the identity of the Grands Causses.

Local products and more

Today, many flocks still inhabit the plateaux. Farmers make their own ewe’s milk cheese, or supply the milk to various dairies in the area. Massegros is home to the world’s largest sheep’s milk processing plant. Its products include Feta Salakis and Lou Peyrac. Part of the dairy processes organic milk to make Lou Passou Bio cheese.

A landscape marked by agropastoralism

Agropastoral techniques may have evolved, but today’s farming methods continue to leave their mark on the landscape. For example, ewes graze in the fertile devèzes and dolines, while wooded areas are preserved so that the sheep don’t “heat up” during the hottest hours of the day.

Where to buy

sheep's milk cheese

on the Causse de Sauveterre?

On the Causse de Sauveterre you can buy sheep’s cheese directly from the farm:

  • “Le Lévejac” – GAEC le Lévéjac at Soulages
  • “La Toison d’Oc” – GAEC le Pradal at Massegros
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