Aven Armand is located on the Causse Méjean, in the commune of Hures-la-parade, between Meyrueis and Sainte-Énimie. It was discovered by Louis Armand, a blacksmith and amateur speleologist living in Le Rozier, on September 19, 1897, in the company of his sidekick, the famous Édouard-Alfred Martel. The Grands Causses abounds in avens and grottes, as its high plateaus are formed of particularly porous limestone soil, which allows water to seep directly into the rock to sculpt a mysterious underground world.

Aven Armand cave
An underground treasure in the heart of the Causse MéjeanL'Aven Armand

The discovery of Aven Armand
On September 18, 1897, Louis Armand pointed out to his companions, Edouard-Alfred Martel and Armand Viré, the existence of a spectacular entrance on the Causse Méjean, not far from La Parade.
The very next day, on September 19, 1897, the three men went to the site with all the equipment needed to explore a hole of this scale: a funnel-shaped entrance 10 to 15 meters in diameter and 4 to 7 meters deep, suggesting a major underground network.
Louis Armand understood the magnitude of the discovery as soon as he crossed the first large 75-meter vertical, descending through a forest of giant stalagmites.
On September 20, 1897, Edouard-Alfred Martel and Armand Viré also descended. With the help of Louis Armand, they mapped and explored the immense underground chamber and the second 87-metre shaft.

A speleologist and adventurer, Louis Armand was born in Aveyron in 1854. He later settled in Le Rozier, Lozère, as a blacksmith.
For 20 years, he accompanied Édouard-Alfred Martel, recognized as the father of speleology, on numerous underground exploration projects.
“His remarkable gifts of skill, initiative, understanding, strength and courage ensured success everywhere. As for devotion (the word must be repeated), it will not be possible to recount here the too numerous circumstances in which his coolness, his keen eye, his disregard for danger positively saved the lives of several of his companions. Finally, in paying the deepest respect to his integrity, his disinterestedness, his modesty, his enthusiasm as a researcher, we have not yet exhausted the list of rare qualities that have made him the most precious and the most regretted of collaborators…” (Édouard-Alfred Martel, 1922)

A “aven” is not a cave: it’s a horizontal underground cavity, more or less deep, with at least one accessible part; whereas a “aven” is a kind of chasm whose access opens into the ground in the form of a shaft. They are often formed by the collapse of a cave vault due to the dissolution of limestone layers.
In 1927, thepot hole was secured and opened to the public. All you have to do to get down there is take the funicular, which takes you to the heart of this marvel, with its thousand lights highlighting some 400 stalagmites, each more spectacular than the last.
This jewel of history is the perfect place for families and friends to share a magical moment in a semi-fantastic universe narrated by the famous Jules Verne.
With a little imagination…
By observing the shapes, reflections and shadows, you can guess the resemblance to a school of jellyfish, a tiger’s jaw, a turkey, a palm tree or even the Sagrada Familia. Aven Armand is also famous for having been the backdrop for two French films: the French TV movie Crime en Lozère, directed by Claude-Michel Rome in 2014, and the video clip for Nolwenn Leroy ‘s single Gemme in June 2017.

A stalagMite, get in!
A stalagTite falls!
A stalagmite is a limestone formation that rises from the ground towards the vault of a cave, while a stalagtite extends from the vault of a cave towards the ground.
- How to get to Aven Armand?
Located in the south of France, in the Occitanie region, Aven Armand is situated on the Causse Méjean, in the Cévennes National Park:
- 15 mins from Meyrueis
- 20 mins from La Malene
- 25 mins from Sainte-Enimie
- 40 mins from Florac
- 50 mins from Millau / La Canourgue / Le Massegros
- 1 hour from Mende
- 1H40 from Rodez
- How long does it take to visit Aven Armand?
It takes from 1 to 2 hours, depending on the type of visit required. Access is by funicular or by abseiling from the natural shaft (exploration tour).
- Where to eat?
Aven Armand has an on-site bistro/bar serving meals and drinks made with local produce. There’s plenty to eat and drink before or after your visit!
- Can we buy souvenirs here?
Yes, there’s a gift store on site at the cave entrance.