Dolmen Du Chardonnet - La Canourgue - Lot ValleyDolmen Du Chardonnet - La Canourgue - Lot Valley
©Dolmen Du Chardonnet - La Canourgue - Lot Valley

Dolmens and menhirs of the Grands Causses

Walk in the footsteps of our ancestors, among dolmens, menhirs and other megaliths...

Discover the menhirs and dolmens of the Causse de Sauveterre in Lozère and the stories behind the rise of these great stones… These stone giants hold many mysteries and legends for you to discover!

Dolmens and menhirs
of the Grands Causses

Discover the menhirs and dolmens of the Grands Causses

The Grands Causses may seem quite depopulated to those venturing there for the first time. However, civilizations have succeeded one another here since the dawn of time. Hundreds of Neolithic populations in the Lozère have left us mysterious monuments emblematic of that era: megaliths. Here, dolmens and menhirs abound.


Megaliths are buildings erected by man using large blocks of stone. They have fascinated mankind for centuries: their gigantic size and weight, ancient origins and mysterious functions have given rise to numerous legends: fairies, truces, treasures… Thanks to research undertaken since the 19th century, we now know that their construction is linked to the arrival of agriculture in the Neolithic period.


Dolmens are made up of vertical stones on which cover slabs are laid. Originally, they were covered by piles of earth and stone known as “tumulus”. These were collective burials where certain individuals were buried along with their personal belongings. Some were reused over a long period, right up to the Metal Age.


Menhirs are vertical stone stelae planted in the ground. Over time, their function was forgotten, and despite decades of research, it still eludes us. But one thing is certain: given the mammoth task involved in transporting these immense blocks, it must have been of the utmost importance.


The giant of Laumède

The Giant of Laumède or “Lou Gigonte” is one of the most famous dolmens in France, thanks to its impressive 10-ton table! This is a double-chambered dolmen, with two consecutive chambers. Pottery shards have made it possible to date part of the deposit to the Final Bronze Age.


The Roumaldis menhirs

Opposite the hamlet of Claviers, a path leads us to two menhirs that were straightened a few years ago: the Roumaldis (or Fraysse well) menhirs. One measures 1.40 metres, while the other is almost 3.50 metres high!


L’aire des trois seigneurs

L’aire des Trois Seigneurs is a megalithic complex built around 2000 BC. It features one of the largest dolmens in Lozère, with an angled entrance dug into the ground. Nearby, two “cromlechs ” (a set of raised stones forming a kind of circular enclosure) are difficult to make out. The megalithic complex is listed as a Historic Monument.


Dolmen de Dignas

Despite its ruined appearance and the excavations carried out by Doctor Prunière in the 19th century, this megalith had not finished revealing its secrets: a recent study has led to the discovery of Iron Age furniture in the mound.


The Cham des Bondons

In the Cévennes National Park, the Cham des Bondons offers one of the largest concentrations of menhirs in France: 154 menhirs spread over some ten kilometers.

The menhirs seem to follow the summit ridges of the relief, but no precise alignment has been observed. Some menhirs may suggest a cromlech formation, but the circle is difficult to see.

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