Castle and town of Sévérac le château in AveyronCastle and town of Sévérac le château in Aveyron
©Castle and town of Sévérac le château in Aveyron

Château de Séverac

Château de Sévérac in the heart of the Aveyron and Causses Valley

Come and discover Sévérac castle and its magnificent panorama in theAveyron department!

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Sévérac castle

Discover Sévérac castle in Aveyron



The Château de Sévérac dominates the eponymous village from its hilltop, which rises to an altitude of over 800 metres. A magnificent panorama unfolds before our eyes: from the verdant plains of the Aveyron Valley to the Causses, you can find your way around thanks to the orientation table. Sévérac d’Aveyron was built around this castle, and village life is still punctuated by an extraordinary historical past: in summer, the village wakes up to street theater, guided tours of medieval buildings and the many events taking place at the castle and in the town’s alleyways.



As early as the 10th century, local lords established their stronghold at this strategic location. The château has changed hands over the centuries, with the Sévérac, Armagnac and Arpajon families succeeding one another. It was the latter who built the large Renaissance-style château currently under restoration. A visit to this exceptional site is a must, with its ramparts, curtain walls, chapel, watchtowers and kitchens. In season, numerous events take us back to the age of the knights, while the “Jean le Fol” sound and light show retraces the history of the city. Discover the fascinating history of the castle and medieval town on your own with the poetic digital walk “Balade des Grands Causses”, available on App Store or Google Play.


Every year during the summer season, you’ll be treated to the “Des Pierres et des Hommes” sound and light show, retracing more than 2,000 years of the village’s history in a humorous setting accessible to all.

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