Causse Méjean sunsetSunset on the Méjean.
©Sunset on the Méjean.|Rémi FLAMENT

Hures la Parade

Discover Hures-la-Parade, a village on the Causse Méjean. Surrounded by the Gorges du Tarn and the Gorges de la Jonte, the Causse Méjean is the highest and least populated of the Grands Causses.

Getting there

A village

In the heart of the Causse Méjean

From this vast, rugged and arid land emerge the occasional hamlet, scattered between stretches of stony meadows. Here, wood is scarce, as is water for putting out fires: so limestone has always supplanted it. As a result, the Causse Méjean is not the most hospitable of places, yet the number of its inhabitants continues to grow until the 19th century. This was followed by a long rural exodus, from which a few plateau lovers returned, sometimes taking over from their elders and breathing new life into buildings thought to be threatened by oblivion.


A vast territory

Created by the merger of the communes of Hures and La Parade, the commune covers an extremely vast area: 88.6 km2. Its population density is one of the lowest in France. Alongside tourism, agriculture andsheepfarming are one of the commune’s main sources of income. The commune is home to many of Lozère’s major tourist attractions, including the Moulin de la Borie,Aven Armand, Ferme Caussenarde d’Autrefois and the Fédou cheese factory. It’s also here that the TAKH association has set up, to accustom Przewalski’s horses to their future Mongolian steppes.


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