La Canourgue seen from the Virgin.La Canourgue seen from the Virgin.
©La Canourgue seen from the Virgin.|© B. Colomb Lozère Sauvage Pour Pact Aubrac
Discover the

Villages of the Lot Valley

Vacation villages

Explore the villages of the Lot Valley : la Canourgue, Chanac, Banassac-Canilhac… A wealth of shops and services, a wide range of festivities and cultural activities, weekly local farmers’ markets, exceptional heritage … there’s always something to experience in the villages of the Lot Valley. The most densely populated area of the Lozère, the Lot Valley boasts many villages with a rich heritage. Discover La Canourgue, the “Little Venice of Lozère”,

Locate villages

of the Lot Valley

The Lot Valley: picturesque villages, castles and churches

A rich heritage

Boasting an exceptionally rich heritage, as demonstrated by the villages of La Canourgue, Chanac and Banassac-Canilhac, as well as numerous shops and services, and a large number of schools and training centers, the villages oftheLot Valley welcome you in a warm and festive atmosphere.

Whether it’s the stopover village of La Canourgue, also known as the “Little Venice of Lozère” thanks to its canals winding through the narrow streets, or Chanac and its keep dominating the town, you’ll discover an outstanding heritage.

And let’s not forget the small villages and hamlets, some of which contain treasures of their own: the castles of Saint-Saturnin,Montjézieu or Montferrand, the ramparts of Villard; or Auxillac… Discover the villages of Cultures( not authorized), Esclanèdes and Les Salelles, nestled in the heart of green meadows and forests.


The Aveyron side of the Lot Valley

Less than 30 minutes from La Canourgue, visit Aveyron’s Lot Valley, where you’ll have the chance to visit the charming village of Saint-Geniez-d’Olt, as well as the “Most Beautiful Villages in France”: Estaing,Saint-Eulalie d’Olt, Saint-Côme d’Olt

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The Lot Valley

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