Aubrac meat on the grill.Fete De La Race Aubrac (8)© B. Colomb Lozere Sauvage Pour Pact Aubrac © B. Colomb Lozère Sauvage Pour Pact Aubrac
©Aubrac meat on the grill.|© B. Colomb Lozère Sauvage Pour Pact Aubrac

Meat and fish

Exceptional dishes, both traditional and more unusual.

Travel between Aubrac and the Gorges du Tarn and let yourself be enchanted by the diversity of meats and fish that will make each of your meals an unforgettable experience.

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Between the high plateaus of Aubrac, theCausses and the Lot Valley, the land and the river combine to offer us exceptional local meats and fish:

beef and veal, duck, farm-raised pork, trout, kid… and even ostrich!


The most famous of these is Aubrac beef, from a historic local breed(Aubrac plateau) that is both tender and tasty, and known throughout France.

If you’re a meat lover, you’ll be able to sample it in the area’s restaurants, or buy it from local butchers and producers.

The fish

When it comes to fish, you won’t want to miss the trout from St-Frézal(La Canourgue), fario and rainbow trout in all their forms: whole fresh trout, plain or smoked trout fillets, in terrines…

These products are sold direct from the La Canourgue fish farm, as well as at market stalls and the local supermarket.

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