Hiker on the GR65 route de CompostelleHiker on the GR65 route de Compostelle
©Hiker on the GR65 route de Compostelle|© B. Colomb Lozère Sauvage pour PACT Aubrac.

The path of Urban V

A hiking trail in the footsteps of Pope Urban V

Follow in the footsteps of Guillaume Grimoard from Lozère, later Pope of Avignon under the name ofUrbain V. Enjoy a spiritual experience of adventure, discovery and encounters.

Getting there

Everything you need to knowaboutUrbain V

Le chemin d’Urbain V is :

  • GR670 from Nasbinals
  • 190 km (329km to Avignon)
  • 5400 meters of ascent
  • Medium difficulty

An itinerary based on the life and work of Guillaume Grimoard, a Lozère native who became Pope in the Middle Ages under the name ofUrbain V. This GR links 5 UNESCO World Heritage sites and crosses Aubrac, Causses, Mont-Lozère, Gorges du Tarn, Cévennes, Guarrigues and Rhône Valley.

The Lozerian section of the Chemin d'Urbain V

Start your journey in the heart of Aubrac on the path of Urbain V, crossing the great plains of the plateau and admiring the little granite houses: the Burons. Discover the villages of the Lot Valley, meet their inhabitants and enjoy unspoilt flora and fauna. Make your way to the Cévennes for a total immersion experience as far as Saint-Germain-de-Calberte, the final point of this Lozère trail.

In the footsteps of Urban V

This GR can be extended over 139 kilometers through the Rhône Valley to the Palais des Papes in Avignon. Pope Urban V lived and worked there. In total, from Nasbinals in Lozère to Avignon, this hiking trail represents 329 kilometers and between 12 and 16 days’ walking.

Practical information, your itinerary on

chemin Urbain V

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