Cascade du Déroc, Aubrac spring flower hike.Cascade du Déroc, hiking.
©Cascade du Déroc, hiking.|© B. Colomb Lozère Sauvage Pour Pact Aubrac

The Déroc waterfall

Stage on the famous Lakes Route

The Cascade du Déroc is one of the treasures that nature has fashioned over time. It is the highest waterfall on the Aubrac plateau. It is accessible all year round.

Getting there
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Cascade du Déroc

TheCascadedu Déroc, near Nasbinals ( approx. 3 km), overlooks the glacial valley of the Gambaïse stream.

It is made up of this tributary of the Bès and theoutletof the Lac des Salhiens, which meet at a basalt ledge to plunge almost 30 metres below.

The Cascade du Déroc is both the start and finish point of theRoutedes Lacs, which leads from the Booz traffic circle in Saint-Germain-du-Teil to the Aubrac lakes and waterfalls. It’s a must for exploring the famous Aubrac plateau.

The Cascade du Déroc walk

Access to the Cascade du Déroc is easy, and takes about thirty minutes for the whole family !

From the Route des Lacs (D52), park on the edge of the road (a sign announces the arrival at the waterfall), and cross the road to reach the path that leads to the waterfall in 15 minutes (approx. 1 km). Please note, however, that as you approach the waterfall, you’ll have to pass under a fenced-in area (there are cows nearby), so baby carriages and people with reduced mobility can’t get in.

Once you’re near the waterfall, you can enter the cave, but you’ll need to be in good physical condition and careful!

Practical information on

Cascade du Déroc

on the Aubrac
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