There are 3 distinct populations of mouflons in Lozère: the first, and most numerous, is located on the Causse de Sauveterre and the Causse Méjean, on either side of the banks of the Tarn. The second is a little further down the Tarn, on its right bank, straddling Aveyron and Lozère. The third is in the Cévennes.

Mouflons in the Gorges du Tarn|
In the heart of the Gorges du TarnAll about
the Mouflons

Mouflon in the Jonte Gorges
Small and stocky, the mouflon blends into its surroundings thanks to its tawny coat. Its legs, muzzle, rump and belly are white.
Adult males have beautiful curled horns, while females sometimes have short, goat-like horns.
Seeing mouflons
In the Gorges du Tarn
Very discreet by nature, mouflons only move in to graze at dawn and late at night. If you’re lucky enough to catch a glimpse, the best thing to do is position yourself high up on the ridge of the Gorges, in the early hours of the morning or at dusk, equipped with binoculars, and be patient…
The Gorges du Tarn are home to a host of animals: griffon vultures, black vultures, bearded vultures, Egyptian vultures, chamois…
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