corniche méjean hiking vulturesCorniche hike with vulture watching.
©Corniche hike with vulture watching.|Benoit Colomb

birds of the Gorges du Tarn

The Gorges du Tarn are home to many birds: vultures, kites, buzzards, eagles, owls…

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birds of the Gorges du Tarn

The avifauna of the Gorges du Tarn is exceptional: in addition to several species of vulture, many other birds of prey have made the area their home: kites, buzzards, eagles… There are numerous pairs of Short-toed Eagle, considered a rare species, and it’s not uncommon to spot a peregrine falcon and hear a long-eared owl.

Many birds

along the river

In the heart of the Gorges du Tarn, on the banks of the river, you’ll find the discreet kingfishers and their flamboyant colors, as well as the dippers and the shy wagtails.

The cliff slopes, meanwhile, are home to white-bellied swifts and rock swallows, ravens, passerines, mad buntings, blue monticoles and red-billed choughs.

Which birds are the easiest


in the Gorges du Tarn?
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