The famous Le Rozier broken bridge at sunsetThe famous Le Rozier broken bridge at sunset
©The famous Le Rozier broken bridge at sunset|Rémi FLAMENT
DiscoverLe RozierVillage at the junction of the Jonte and Tarn rivers

Le Rozier

The charming village of Le Rozier, located between the Gorges du Tarn and Gorges de la Jonte, was known in Gallo-Roman times for its pottery workshops. It became a place of great religious importance with the arrival of monks in the 11th century, who built thechurchof Saint-Sauveur, now listed as a Monument Historique. The town’s name comes from the roses grown by members of the priory at the time.

Getting there

The village of Le Rozier

Between Gorges du Tarn and Gorges de la Jonte

The bed of the Tarn below Le Rozier reflects the thousand colors that each season has to offer. A magnificent panorama can be seen all along the valley. By canoe or on foot, you can observe a wealth of wildlife, from vultures to the more discreet otters and beavers. The village of Le Rozier is also a major stopover on the GR736 “Gorges et Vallée du Tarn”.


Le Rocher de Capluc

A must-see in Le Rozier

It’s impossible to talk about Le Rozier without mentioning the Rocher de Capluc. Overlooking the Gorges de la Jonte, straddling the Lozère and Aveyron valleys, the Rocher de Capluc offers a breathtaking panorama: a spectacular view of heaven and earth awaits you! It’s also a popular spot for wild birds nesting on the cliff faces, such as the griffon vulture, king of the air. Please note, however, that access to Rocher de Capluc takes around 30 to 40 minutes and is difficult. It’s best reserved for those who are physically fit (steep gradients, ladders…) and not prone to vertigo.

How to get there

Reach the village of Le Rozier. Once in the village, head towards the Gorges du Tarn (there’s a one-way street) and park in the church parking lot. With the parking lot at your back, cross the road and go straight ahead. Take the second street on the left. The path starts at the end of the street and intersects the winding road leading to Capluc.


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