Chez Poujol restaurant causse sauveterreChez Poujol restaurant causse sauveterre
©Chez Poujol restaurant causse sauveterre

Bars and restaurants
on the Grands Causses

Causse de Sauveterre, Causse Méjean, Causse Noir

Bars and restaurants on the Grands Causses : you’ll find plenty of bars and restaurants in the villages of Causse du Sauveterre and Causse Méjean. Traditional, semi-gastronomic or fast-food restaurants… Choose what suits you best for your vacation in the Gorges du Tarn – Grands Causses region! The Office de Tourisme de l’Aubrac aux Gorges du Tarn offers you a wide choice of partner restaurants and bars.

Our professional restaurateurs and hoteliers offer you a warm welcome all year round or in season. All you have to do is choose where to spend a 100% gourmet moment…

What’s so special about the bars and restaurants of the Grands Causses? Some are located on the edge of the Gorges du Tarn, offering a breathtaking view of the region!

A must-taste in one of the Grands Causses restaurants: local ewe’s milk cheeses such as Roquefort, Goustal and Salakis feta from the Laiterie du Massegros, or La Toison d’Oc and Le Lévéjac from nearby farms!

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