Claude Labaume's depiction of the Aragonese house at Le MassegrosClaude Labaume's depiction of the Aragonese house at Le Massegros
©Claude Labaume's depiction of the Aragonese house at Le Massegros

Aragonese houses

Original buildings on the Causse de Sauveterre.

The Causse de Sauveterre is rich in heritage, with its bread ovens, chazelles and Caussenard houses, but even more so with its Aragonese houses.

AllaboutAragonese houses

There are a dozen “Aragonese ” houses on the plateau, the most famous being those at Monziols and Massegros (not open to the public).

The architecture of Aragonese houses

They all share a common architecture:

An exterior gallery on the facade, on arches with balusters. The main body of the building is a traditional vaulted structure, with, at best, a limestone slate roof. Original architecture for a traditional building.

Why the name "Aragonese houses"?

Although Gévaudan (formerly Lozère) briefly belonged to the Kingdom of Aragon, we can’t establish a link between this Spanish presence and these homes built five centuries later. If we rely on the houses that have dates on them, construction dates vary between the late 17th and early 18th centuries.

The village of Le Massegros boasts a fine example of an Aragonese farmhouse in the center of the village (privately owned), while not far away, in the hamlet of Les Monziols, stands the “ferme de la Barthe”. This astonishing dwelling was acquired by the Communauté de communes in 2002. Faced with an urgent need, it was decided to save it from ruin. Today, it has been bought back and is privately owned. This house is a perfect example of the “Aragonese” label, but in reality, the Aragonese appellation has no real basis.

In Aragon, there's no such house...

It’s likely that a local scholar coined the name, which then developed locally.

In fact, this type of house can be found in the south of France as well as in Italy. But we prefer to believe that after the passage of the kings of Aragon, local masons were trained in this architecture under their influence, and that around ten Aragonese houses were built on the Causse de Sauveterre during this period.

Practical information on

Aragonese houses

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