le massegros village causse sauveterreLe Massegros.
©Le Massegros.
Discover the

Villages of the Grands Causses

Vacation villages

Discover the villages and hamlets of the Grands Causses de Lozère (Causse de Sauveterre and Causse Méjean). Discover an exceptional heritage in the heart of breathtaking natural surroundings! Discover theCaussearchitecture typical of this part of the department, which has developed around sheep farming. Enjoy outdoor activities all year round, as well as numerous festivals and events in summer. The villages of the Grands Causses are also ideally located for exploring the nearby Gorges du Tarn.

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des Grands Causses

Causse de Sauveterre and Causse Méjean

Explore the villages and hamlets

Causse Sauveterre

The Causse de Sauveterre, more hospitable and less isolated than the Causse Méjean, boasts a large number of picturesque villages and hamlets where life is good. To the west of the plateau, Le Massegros, Saint-Rome de Dolan, Saint-Georges de Lévéjac and Le Recoux have joined forces to form the ” Massegros Causses Gorges ” commune. These villages have preserved their terroir and traditions while evolving with the times. So it’s not uncommon to hear children laughing as they leave school in the bustling village, and to come across a farmer bringing his sheep back to the farm at the same time.

The commune of La Tieule and its hamlets, located around ten kilometers from La Canourgue, are easily accessible via the freeway exit, offering a change of scenery and serenity just a stone’s throw from larger service centers. Further east on the Causse de Sauveterre, on the road to Sainte-Enimie, the village of La Capelle, not far from La Canourgue, is renowned for its beauty, with its listed church standing proudly between the Caussenard houses. The commune of Laval du Tarn overlooks the Gorges du Tarn and the Château de la Caze. The village and a number of hamlets with typical Causse architecture have been inhabited for thousands of years, as evidenced by the many dolmens and menhirs dotting the countryside.

The villages of the Causse Méjean

The wild Causse Méjean, France’s least densely populated territory, is made up of a small number of communes formed by the regrouping of hamlets and isolated farms on the plateau. Come and discover the hidden treasures of Hures-la-Parades and Saint-Pierre des Tripiers, with their typical architecture, authentic heritage and breathtaking natural surroundings!

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The great causses

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