Caussenarde limestone house in Laval du Tarn on the Sauveterre plateauCaussenarde limestone house in Laval du Tarn on the Sauveterre plateau
©Caussenarde limestone house in Laval du Tarn on the Sauveterre plateau
DiscoverLaval du Tarn

Laval du Tarn

Welcome to Laval-du-Tarn, founded on the priory of “Blessed Marie de la Vallée”. Originally called Laval-du-Causse, this village majestically overlooks the Gorges du Tarn from its Causse de Sauveterre, offering incomparable hiking trails and views. The village and its long-isolated hamlets are now easily accessible to lovers of the beautiful Causse landscapes and heritage. Don’t miss this pretty village on the road to Ste-Enimie

Getting there

A little history

The counter-revolution at Laval du Tarn

After the Revolution of 1789, with the deposition of the King and numerous anti-religious measures, discontent was growing in northern Lozère, and the inhabitants began a “counter-revolution”, led by the emblematic figure of former Third State deputy Marc Antoine Charrier, a native of Nasbinals. In 1793, he succeeded in taking over a large part of Lozère, and while he was victorious in Mende and Chanac, troops from the villages of La Malène and Laval organized themselves. Jean-Joseph Monestier, mayor of Laval, decided to join Charrier’s troops still in Mende. On the way, he met a troop of Ardéchois patriots, whom he at first believed to be Charrier and his troops. 52 men were taken prisoner that day. 51 of the 52 prisoners were condemned to death and executed on June 11 in Florac. Charrier was captured and executed the following month.

The Castel district

in Laval-du-Tarn

The Castel district means “castle” in Occitan. It’s named after the village’s Castel, probably linked to the Grandlac and La Caze castles. Over the centuries, the castle has been altered and divided into several dwellings. Some of them still bear the scars of this past, but it’s hard to imagine it when you look at them. In the course of its history, the parish of Laval du Tarn has known five Castels. Two have been preserved: Château de La Caze and Grandlac, one of which has been converted into a luxury hotel, the other into a private property closed to visitors. The others are in Rauzas and Perrière. Less majestic, their architecture is more reminiscent of manor houses.


The church

of Laval-du-Tarn

Laval-du-Tarn is a Romanesque church with a single nave of four bays, a choir and two absidioles.
The oldest part of the building, comprising the choir and north absidiole, probably dates from the 12th or 13th century. Five-bay arcatures, separated by engaged columns, adorn the walls of both the choir and the absidiole.
This decoration, very characteristic of the Romanesque style, suggests that the original plan was trefoiled.
The south absidiole, the tribune and the western part of the building are late additions, probably dating from the 17th century.
The bell tower was built later, in the 19th century. The stained glass windows depicting the Holy Family, the Baptism of Christ and Notre-Dame de Lourdes date from the 20th century.


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