View from Le Recoux, a village on the Causse de Sauveterre near Le Massegros.View from Le Recoux, a village on the Causse de Sauveterre near Le Massegros.
©View from Le Recoux, a village on the Causse de Sauveterre near Le Massegros.
DiscoverLe Recoux

Le Recoux

Le Recoux is a former commune, now part of the Massegros Causses Gorges commune. It lies on the Causse de Sauveterre, in a relatively wooded area between La Tieule and Le Massegros.

Getting there

Le Recoux

In the heart of the Causse de Sauveterre

Le Rec oux is surrounded by “devèzes” meadows grazed by ewes, many of whom supply milk to the Massegros dairy, the world’s largest ewe’s milk processing plant. The village is made up of a number of picturesque Caussenard houses, set in an unspoilt natural environment. Inhabitants and visitors to this little corner of paradise can enjoy the peace and serenity of the Causse de Sauveterre, just a few minutes from the A75 motorway and the Gorges du Tarn.

A village with


The architecture typical of the Grands Causses is perfectly in tune with the peaceful soul of the village. We could also describe it as “curious”, as in the case of the parish church of Notre-Dame-du-Rosaire, with its distinctive reliefs…

Near the church you’ll find the former presbytery, where legend has it that the walls once adjoined a castle. The château du Recoux may well have existed!

What’s more, the nearest village is called “Le Tensonnieu”, and it’s just as full of stories: where the current water tower stands, on the highest mountain and at the crossroads of horizons, there would have been a windmill…

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