There arethree legends about the origin of this astonishing rock…
The Drac, a fabulous, flame-spitting animal, haunted the Malpas area and terrorized passers-by from the top of its Malepeyre. Bishop Frézal struck it down by sprinkling it with holy water. The petrified dragon ceased to spread terror! As you pass by the foot of the Sabot, take a good look! Some see it as a shoe, but this strange stone is none other than the dragon, frozen forever!
Gargantua, passing through La Canourgue, forgot his shoe, or rather his clog!
Margot was a young shepherdess on the Causse. On summer evenings, when the lavognes ran out of water, she would go down to the Urugne valley to water her herd. While the animals quenched their thirst, she would splash around naked in the clear waters of the river. Caught by a young canourguais, she took fright and fled. In her panic, she lost one of her hooves, which solidified on the spot. Covered over the years by layers of limestone, the hoof became a monumental sculpture.