Saint-Georges de Lévéjac
A typical old village
The history of this beautiful, typically Caussenardvillage dates back to the origins of Christianity in this region. In the 6th century, Saint-Hilaire, bishop of Mende, built an oratory dedicated to Saint-Pierre on the site of Les Baumes, in the Gorges du Tarn. This was replaced in the 11th century by a church serving the inhabitants of the Gorges and Causse de Sauveterre as far as La Piguière. However, an oratory had to be built on the Causse, to meet the needs of the few inhabitants living on this arid plateau. Until the 13th century, theoratory of Saint-Georges was simply a dependency of the church of Saint-Pierre, but roles were gradually reversed as the Causses became more populated. The church of Saint-Pierre was attached to that of Saint-Georges in 1700, then destroyed in 1866. Thechurchof Saint-Georges was particularly prosperous in the Middle Ages, forming a priory attached to the Saint-Martin de La Canourgue monastery.