Situated on the Aubrac plateau, Château de la Baume is one of France's highest castles, and is listed as a Historic Monument. It has been inhabited by the de Las Case family for over a century and a half. The family is keen to show off the building to the many visitors who flock here every year to discover the Located on the Aubrac plateau, Château de la Baume is a listed historic monument. It is nicknamed "Le petit Versailles du Gévaudan".
©Located on the Aubrac plateau, Château de la Baume is a listed historic monument. It is nicknamed "Le petit Versailles du Gévaudan".|(C) by Rollei dr5 User

Castles of Aubrac

The castles of Aubrac, a whole history and many mysteries!

Château de la Baume

There’s one castle whose splendor and panache have survived the test of time: Château de la Baume, also known as the Little Versailles of Gévaudan. Located on the border between Aubrac and Margeride, near La Canourgue (about 20 minutes by car), it is one of the highest castles in France.

Although few castles remain today, there were plenty of them in the Middle Ages. The famous Château de la Baume is one of them. Inhabited all year round, it is open to the curious who wish to visit the luxurious residence and learn more about its history. Come and discover it on a guided tour!


Château de la Baume

on the Aubrac plateau

Le Mandement de Nogaret

In addition to Château de la Baume, there was also the Mandement de Nogaret. Comprising the present-day communes of Saint-Germain du Teil, Trélans and Saint-Pierre de Nogaret, it existed for a long period, from the Middle Ages to the Revolution of 1789. It was attached to the Crown of the King of France as early as 1258.

Composed of small cultivated plateaus and deep valleys with dwellings accessible only by narrow paths, it was a territory virtually impregnable to invaders, and thus played an important defensive role. The ruins of the Château de Nogaret can still be seen a few kilometers below the village of Saint-Pierre de Nogaret.

Aubrac in detail...

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