The Mandement de Nogaret has been attached to the crown of the King of France since 1258. It enjoyed a special status that gave it the right to be represented at the Estates General of Gévaudan.

Remains of the Mandement de Nogaret.
Le Mandement de Nogaret
In the foothills of AubracAll about
le MandementdeNogaret

The Nogaret chapel
Ideal for controlling your surroundings
The Mandement de Nogaret was made up of small cultivated plateaus and deep valleys with dwellings accessible only by narrow paths.
As such, it was virtually impregnable to invaders, and played an important defensive role, particularly in controlling traffic routes from Rouergue and the hinterland to the Lot Valley.
The remains of Mandement
The Château de Nogaret, the seat of the Mandement for centuries, has long since been in ruins.
As for Château de Montferrand, its ruins can still be seen on the spur overlooking the lot and the Booz lake.

Ruin of Château de Montferrand in the commune of Banassac, overlooking the Lot Valley.
A mandement is a written document issued by a bishop to the faithful of the diocese. In the Middle Ages, a mandement, or châtellenie, was a small administrative division.